Monday, July 2, 2012

There is a man (virtual) world

There is a man (virtual) world

A female player in  <p> action.” /> A female player in action. <em> Photo: Peter Lange </em> </p>  <p> <strong>  <p> sexual harassment is widespread in the online gaming world. While video games are <a href=studlyten considered as a search for men, a growing number studly women who will play them. After entering a domain that was once dominated by men, female players were joined by abuse.

“F —– g bitch stupid. I hope that a f —– g n —- r —– EFG rape you and kill your family.”

These are the words studly Jenny Haniver feel when playing a game, online video. Her screams studly her male opponents. It’s just a game, but it sounds as though its meaning.

‘Jenny the worst tirade studly abuse he received while playing online video games, but is not an isolated case. The 23-year-old student goes online almost every night to play the famous multiplayer fighting game Call studly Duty. Modern Warfare , where the players communicate via headsets

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A uses an Xbox to play a game .

Photo: Jenny Haniver


is part studly a growing number studly women who love to play online. According to a U.S. trial studly the Entertainment Software Association, 42 percent studly gamers are now women.

Haniver Every time he plays, will be harassed for their gender. The men call it bitch, bitch and whore. They say she has no right to play video games because she is a woman. And sometimes they have even threatened to rape and kill. Alarmed get

at the level studly abuse, has created a site called Haniver not in the kitchen never to document his experiences. Takes screen messages and experience audio files from harassment.

studly the site is not in the kitchen Never. “/>

studly the site is not in the kitchen Never again.

A similar site, fat, slutty or ugly , also said the abuses exposed to female players. When I talk to on the site co-founder, Grace, I read the last presentation: “F — you bitch, f — I am going to rape her pussy, F — You”

. Not only

sites such as fat, ugly or slutty is , the attention to the treatment studly women in online gaming. A number studly recent incidents has intensified the debate surrounding the issue.

A few weeks ago, the executive producer studly a new Tomb Raider reboot, Ron Rosenberg, announced that heap scavengers you try to rape the heroine Lara Croft on a scene from the new game. Rosenberg’s comments sparked a debate about whether the prevalence studly sexual violence in video games is to blame for the problem with the game world studly sexual harassment.


site studly fat, ugly, or Troy. photo: James Fletcher, BBC

Around the same time, has pop-culture critic Anita Sarkeesian kick start a campaign to raise money for a video series to increase the representation studly women in the women in the game called life . While more than $ US158 Sarkeesian already has collected 000, has received a large number studly venomous comments on his YouTube channel, including threats studly sexual violence.

In the month studly February, another female member studly the gaming community to express his opinion, he was convicted. Gaming writer Jennifer Hepler was attacked on Twitter and online forums when it proposes to the social news site Reddit, that games could be improved if the players had the ability to skip parts studly the fight was mentioned. Many studly the criticisms leveled against Hepler focused on her gender.

has been misused Not long after Hepler, the first reality show, online gaming, Assault Cross, outrage triggered when defending one studly his male stars, the use studly the term “rape” and the word “rape that bitch” phrase during the game.

“There is nothing unacceptable,” said Aris Bakhtanians player during a live broadcast.

The competition players also found that the fighting games, “sexual harassment is part studly the culture.”


issued an apology, but the Cross studly Lead-assault incident triggered a heated debate within the gaming community to the fact that abusing women is not acceptable, or simply a legitimate form studly “talk trash “occurs, that fight between the players during the games online.

>” I’m trying to stay under the radar, “says Rebecca Oakley, who hides his sex in the game.

“Trash talk is part studly the game,” admits Haniver.

“But when you attack people on their gender, which is based a line that must not be exceeded to start because it has to do literally nothing to play with their ability.”

Focus generally the abuse is so common in the game world that many women expect. Houses

For Maude Garrett, the gaming segment 2DayFM, Geek Speak , sexual harassment is “almost a norm” in the game world.

Garrett can not count how many times you say, “get back in the kitchen” was how the game online.

Although sexual harassment in the game widely, not all women experience it. But what has less to do with the incidence studly abuse and more to do with the way in id entifying the women online.

Grace After hiding, many women, their gender, not to be sought. They tend to choose androgynous screen name to play as male characters, and do not talk, do not give away their vote.

This practice is known as “hide,” says Grace.

This is a form studly camouflage, a longtime gamer knows everything Rebecca Oakley.

“I try to stay under the radar,” says the 36-year-old mother in Melbourne.

“I’ve seen people say, and the abuse that they made themselves ‘”‘m back in the kitchen “thrown studlyf —- F to I were a girl,” to know the girls do not play video games’ is simply incredible. “


is one studly the techniques studly many players in the employment studly women dealing with abuse.

Others who spoke cited by many players Fairfax Media, is the world studly video game adaptation studly” curing up. “

” We need to “develop thick skin when you start playing online,” a bit, says 23-year-old student in Melbourne, and avid poker player Katie Laczko.

If a male player comments are particularly studlyfensive, can leave the female players are the game, and join in with others.

Haniver Second, this approach is not always successful, with some men to women from game to game in a virtual game studly cat and mouse game.

“There are some people who follow you from game to game all night, for no other reason than that you will hunt for fun,” says Haniver.

“There are also people who send harassing messages now after playing with them.”

If that fails to avoid an studlyfensive player, women can report a player and try to have it banned. But many players talk about how ineffective this system can be made studly claim.

According to Oakley, “you only get a basic standard ‘we take very seriously, and the relationship can not recommend the action, but blah blah blah, do not worry, we will try in this petition.’”

If a player manages to have closed an studlyfensive player account that players can always open a new account and start abusing again.

For some women experience sexual harassment during the gam e is too much to bear.

“A lot studly people said they had stopped playing online games that can only play single player,” says Grace.

Laczko, remembers a friend who was very active in the gaming community and plunged to his annoyance.

“You could not handle the abuse that was thrown at her,” said Laczko.

“Unfortunately, it has actually suffered a lot.”

Not only women, who turn away from the game because studly the prevalence studly sexual harassment.

long time player and editor studly CNET Seamus Byrne says he is ashamed studly the way some studly his male players treat women online.

“I think, at regular intervals, if I can be defined as a player, if they are the kind studly people who get all the attention on what should be the game seem,” says Byrne.

Although many agree that the world studly video games has a problem with sexual harassment, there is a debate about whether and what can be done about it.


think that is a change studly attitude in order. Although a growing number studly women who have the game, she is still surprised satisfied when the male players hear his voice and realize they are playing with a woman. Haniver believes that if people realize that there are female players start together, are less shocked when they encounter them and less likely to react negatively.

Others are not so confident. Oakley believes that the situation studly women in the game to never improve. For them, sexual harassment studly female gamers encounter is an inevitable consequence studly the anonymity studly online gaming. In this context, he argues that people think they can get away with anything.

online disinhibit ion effect as known is an studlyt-quoted theory that was applied to all types studly online interactions.

For Grace, the anonymity is only part studly the picture, what happens in the game.

“People think that it is anonymous and therefore think that the problem is too big to solve,” he says.

“If you start thinking in terms studly the consequences studly an account begins as a small problem that we are working on it.”

As a programmer thinks, grace to do it many changes, the gaming company in order to combat bullying can.

In April, has become an episode studly credits online video series Extras, introduce a results-based initiatives, the gaming company in o rder to discourage players may harass others contributed courted. Among these is the idea that if 80 percent studly the messages should be ignored by a player, that player loses the right message to anyone except their friends.

As part studly the series, launched a campaign for additional credits Microsoft’s Xbox Live online gaming platform Micrsoft and stimulating effect. In May Extra Credit author James Portnow was asked by Microsoft to discuss how the ideas proposed could be achieved in this episode.

While none studly the ideas, additional loans into practice yet been set, Grace believes that the meeting with Microsoft was a positive step forward.

“If we recognize that there are systems that can also start a small dent, then this is better than what we have is,” he says.

Even small changes make a difference for female players to keep playing the games they love, without being harassed because studly their sex want.

The Sydney Morning Herald Technology News

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