Thursday, July 5, 2012

Telstra accused of 'stalking' Next G web

Telstra accused of 'stalking' Next G web

Geoff Huston.

Geoff Huston … Chief Scientist at APNIC. Photo: Edwina Pickles

Telstra is the chief scientist in one of the most important organizations have been criticized on the Web, “stalking” Millions of users of mobile phones, Next G, by a third visit to Canada have websites.

Geoff Huston , the scientific director of the Regional Internet Registry Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC ) and a former employee of Telstra, has been described in detail because he thinks Telstra violated the law when it was revealed a little more than a week ago that the telco sent the URL to its smartphone customers were visiting a third party for a new Web-filtering product.

Although the majority of customers were visiting

URL have the personal data before they were sterilized transmitted to third parties, some were not, as Telstra has admitted in a post on his blog in the comments to face hundreds of angry customers.

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