Friday, April 20, 2012

NFL Commissioner urges Stadium Capitol

NFL Commissioner urges Stadium Capitol

by Tim Pugmire, Minnesota Public Radio

20th April 2012

ST. Paul, Minnesota, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says he believes there is a general commitment to the Minnesota legislature this session to discuss the legislation to create a new Vikings stadium.

Goodell and Pittsburgh Steelers owner Art Rooney met acting build privately Friday in the State Capitol with Governor Mark Dayton and head of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Later, Goodell said he was trying to emphasize how important it is Minnesota Vikings.

“There were no threats or implied threats to all,” said Goodell. “What we talked about the importance of creating a solution that works for the team here and works for the community. This is not a new problem. It is discussed here for several years, and I think that to understand the legal and leader Governor . the time is now, “said

Dayton, that he thought the House and Senate leaders are now working hard on the issue before the court obliged. But the leaders stopped promising floor votes on the bill at the stadium.

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