Friday, April 27, 2012

Hollywood Hackers: as the screen is wrong

Hollywood Hackers: as the screen is wrong

slot machine password from the movie Wargames.

There are two known ways to break a password in Hollywood films. The first is based on personal information, such as guessing the name of a child or pet.

The other is a system of pseudo-hacking nerds in pop culture as the Slot Machine Password, the characters reveal the password is known to use one at a time and in no particular order.

Mr Gatford says neither method is very realistic. In fact, when it comes to entering a secured network, is the most important part to find a list of user names. After guessing a password is easy.

“It’s funny. If you have a network and you do in order to guess a password, one of the easiest ways is to make a guess by automated name,” he says.

“Once received, the list of users, without fail, we are always at least a weak password.”

Passwords Mr. Gatford first search are those corresponding to the username. Then search for the phrase “Password1″ and then the name of the company with the number 1.

“User names and passwords are still the number one method for us to access very sensitive information,” he says.

Although this strategy does not work, says Mr. Gatford there are other ways to protect the password, without having to resort to avoid rates.

“You have to laugh whenever you scenes in movies where they try to overcome these passwords when in the real world, we only go to boot up and see it with another operating system,” says.

And yes, a colleague of Mr. Gatford really get even with the username “admin” and “admin” password.

hacking bank

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Harrison Ford a bit” unrealistic hack bank accounts in the Windows Firewall.

When it comes to Hollywood cliches hacker Bank, a few zeros to the balance of its account will be added, Mr. Gatford cagier a bit “- but, he says, you can


“It is certainly not out of the question,” he says.

The big difference between wide screen and the reality is that such an operation would probably take weeks or months, rather than a few minutes.

“It’s like anything else – more time, it is likely to come out,” says Mr. Gatford

“Hollywood does not have the luxury to which the basic work .. What if you tried for two weeks , this special (security) to get to work or carry a payload of social engineering of a person at the desk for them to perform, to give you access to need you. “

The” Social Engineering “refers to the human element of IT security – the person with the computer could accidentally run a program or provide fraudulent information to the wrong person. Mr. Gatford says that is a risk factor commonly overlooked by Australian organizations.

But human error is not only a disadvantage to the banks in this situation – can also be a problem for hackers, especially if it is used for control of the complex computer systems of large organizations, is


‘understanding of complex IT environments more often than not, even if you should make your job, it is very difficult, “says Mr. Gatford.

“In most organizations, internal staff can often be difficult to understand the intricacies and from A to B.

” But again, if you’re there long enough and if you know the right people … “

monitoring cell phones

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Sherlock Holmes follows the movements of his enemies from their mobile phones in Sherlock. ‘ / p> Of all the Hollywood stereotypes of security, monitoring phone is probably the most accurate . equipped Indeed, thanks to smart phones with GPS, which many of us now is to do our friends for fun.

Mr Gatford says the police have long had the option of mobile phones with access to find information from signal towers. ‘ / p> “This technology has been a bit ‘of time and triangular positions may have been quite good. You can certainly get someone with this method, “he says

feature since the introduction of the iPhone and other smartphones with GPS, users have been his position and did – with permission .. there are several Popular applications that will tell if your friends are nearby.

However, says Mr. Gatford increasing the GPS tracking has some negligence, which is even hard to imagine Hollywood, led, as in the case of a hacker, a decrease of the authorities traced after send a picture of his girlfriend’s breasts on the Web -. without realizing the camera records the location where the photo was taken

“It’s just fun. It is possible that the things, “he says.

Mr Gatford says that GPS is an example of life imitating art and art is, ideas that used to be real only in science fiction screen. ‘ / p> “We begin to see the technology actually allow some of the crazy ideas, the films will come over the last 20 odd years.”

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