Monday, April 30, 2012

"Annoyance" Cher sold for nearly $ 100,000 Adelaide Key

"Annoyance" Cher sold for nearly $ 100,000 Adelaide Key

Photo: Getty Images

American singer Cher is “shocked” and tried to reason that one of the keys to the city of Adelaide has been given to get to that in 1990 landed at eBay sells for about $ US100, 000

The appearance of the brass key and a plaque on the accompanying documents offended Internet auction house officials Adelaide , with Mayor Stephen Yarwood said he was “very disappointed”.

“It must be very embarrassing for her if she sold it because he needed money,” Cr Yarwood said last weekend.

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Hollywood Hackers: as the screen is wrong

Hollywood Hackers: as the screen is wrong

slot machine password from the movie Wargames.

There are two known ways to break a password in Hollywood films. The first is based on personal information, such as guessing the name of a child or pet.

The other is a system of pseudo-hacking nerds in pop culture as the Slot Machine Password, the characters reveal the password is known to use one at a time and in no particular order.

Mr Gatford says neither method is very realistic. In fact, when it comes to entering a secured network, is the most important part to find a list of user names. After guessing a password is easy.

“It’s funny. If you have a network and you do in order to guess a password, one of the easiest ways is to make a guess by automated name,” he says.

“Once received, the list of users, without fail, we are always at least a weak password.”

Passwords Mr. Gatford first search are those corresponding to the username. Then search for the phrase “Password1″ and then the name of the company with the number 1.

“User names and passwords are still the number one method for us to access very sensitive information,” he says.

Although this strategy does not work, says Mr. Gatford there are other ways to protect the password, without having to resort to avoid rates.

“You have to laugh whenever you scenes in movies where they try to overcome these passwords when in the real world, we only go to boot up and see it with another operating system,” says.

And yes, a colleague of Mr. Gatford really get even with the username “admin” and “admin” password.

hacking bank

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Harrison Ford a bit” unrealistic hack bank accounts in the Windows Firewall.

When it comes to Hollywood cliches hacker Bank, a few zeros to the balance of its account will be added, Mr. Gatford cagier a bit “- but, he says, you can


“It is certainly not out of the question,” he says.

The big difference between wide screen and the reality is that such an operation would probably take weeks or months, rather than a few minutes.

“It’s like anything else – more time, it is likely to come out,” says Mr. Gatford

“Hollywood does not have the luxury to which the basic work .. What if you tried for two weeks , this special (security) to get to work or carry a payload of social engineering of a person at the desk for them to perform, to give you access to need you. “

The” Social Engineering “refers to the human element of IT security – the person with the computer could accidentally run a program or provide fraudulent information to the wrong person. Mr. Gatford says that is a risk factor commonly overlooked by Australian organizations.

But human error is not only a disadvantage to the banks in this situation – can also be a problem for hackers, especially if it is used for control of the complex computer systems of large organizations, is


‘understanding of complex IT environments more often than not, even if you should make your job, it is very difficult, “says Mr. Gatford.

“In most organizations, internal staff can often be difficult to understand the intricacies and from A to B.

” But again, if you’re there long enough and if you know the right people … “

monitoring cell phones

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Sherlock Holmes follows the movements of his enemies from their mobile phones in Sherlock. ‘ / p> Of all the Hollywood stereotypes of security, monitoring phone is probably the most accurate . equipped Indeed, thanks to smart phones with GPS, which many of us now is to do our friends for fun.

Mr Gatford says the police have long had the option of mobile phones with access to find information from signal towers. ‘ / p> “This technology has been a bit ‘of time and triangular positions may have been quite good. You can certainly get someone with this method, “he says

feature since the introduction of the iPhone and other smartphones with GPS, users have been his position and did – with permission .. there are several Popular applications that will tell if your friends are nearby.

However, says Mr. Gatford increasing the GPS tracking has some negligence, which is even hard to imagine Hollywood, led, as in the case of a hacker, a decrease of the authorities traced after send a picture of his girlfriend’s breasts on the Web -. without realizing the camera records the location where the photo was taken

“It’s just fun. It is possible that the things, “he says.

Mr Gatford says that GPS is an example of life imitating art and art is, ideas that used to be real only in science fiction screen. ‘ / p> “We begin to see the technology actually allow some of the crazy ideas, the films will come over the last 20 odd years.”

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Units from Google to dominate your digital life

Units from Google to dominate your digital life

> Google has launched the CD, but not everyone can no longer access.

Google hopes to build the largest digital archive of the mobile world in the latest attempt to deepen people’s dependence on their services.

The Internet search leader’s pursuit of the audacious goal began on Tuesday with the long-awaited debut of units Google , a product that personal documents, photos, videos and maintains a wide range of other digital content on Google computers.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Eye in the Sky released stunning pictures

Eye in the Sky released stunning pictures

The makers of

satellite GeoEye-1 has a number of impressive paintings, as our planet has changed in the four years since its launch show released.

Google, which has had its logo, is characterized started on the back of the vehicle satellite in 2008, has exclusive use of online map data products from the satellite. The data is provided by Google through its Google Maps and Google Earth applications.

Inside Google Earth to the user on a layer of ‘GeoEye Imagery top’, which emphasizes the images within the interactive surface change, with links to full resolution versions and place / event information .

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hundreds of thousands of people could lose Internet in July

Hundreds of thousands of people could lose Internet in July

22nd April 2012

Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -. For computer users, just a few clicks, the difference between staying on the line and lose connections to the Internet this summer mean

Unknown, most of them started their problems, if the international hackers, online advertising is a published scam has control over infected computers around the world. Created

take in a very specific response, the FBI has to avoid a safety net in months with the government computers malfunction of Internet services for infected users. But this system must be shut down.

The FBI is encouraging users to a website of its partners for security, operated to notify you when you were visiting infected and explain how to solve the problem. After 9 July infected users will not be able to connect to the Internet.

Most victims do not even know their computers have been infected, even if the malware has probably slowed and Web-browsing disable your anti-virus software to their machines vulnerable to other problems.

In November last year, the FBI and other authorities were preparing to take down a ring of hackers that a program is running, an Internet fraud in a network of infected computers.

“We began to realize that we are a little” have a problem on our hands, because … be if we simply pulled the plug, it s infrastructure in all criminal and tossed in prison, the victim would have been without the internet service, “said Tom Grasso, an FBI supervisory special.” The average user can get Internet Explorer and open ” has page not found “and I think the Internet is broken.”

The night of the arrests, the agency in Paul Vixie, president and founder brought by Internet Systems Consortium, to install two web servers to the place of truck with rogue servers confiscated, that infected computers used. were

Federal officials want to take full, to allow their online servers, to March, everyone to clean their computer. But it was not enough time. A federal judge in New York has extended the deadline until July.

Well, Grasso said, “the press plenary session is to get people to solve this problem.” And it is for computer users to control PC

This is what happens.

hackers probably infected a network of more than 570,000 computers around the world you used the Microsoft Windows operating system vulnerabilities to install malicious software on victim computers this from anti-virus.. updates and has changed the way in which computers connect Web site addresses behind the scenes over the Internet Domain Name System.

The DNS system is a network of servers that translate a web address of numerical addresses use the computer. victim’s computer was reprogrammed to take advantage of one rogue DNS server of the attacker. This has allowed hackers to abuse computers to redirect fraudulent versions of each site.

Hacker earned profits from the Advertising on websites victims have been duped to visit. The hacker scam netted at least $ 14 million, according to the FBI. And even thousands of computers that depend on rogue servers for their web surfing.

If the FBI six Estonians and others arrested in November last year, the age ncy replaced with clean ones rogue server Vixie. installation and replacement of two servers running for eight months, the federal government will cost about $ 87,000.

The number of victims is hard to find, but the FBI believes that the day of the arrests, at least 568 000 Internet addresses have only later with the rogue server. five months, the FBI estimates that the number of up to at least 360,000. have the United States Most, about 85,000, said federal authorities.

Other countries with more than 20,000 individual Italy, India, England and Germany are. Smaller numbers are in Spain, France, Canada, China and Mexico online.

Vixie said, that the most likely victims of single home users, as the technology companies that have employees that it said routine check-computers.

FBI officials, they held a unique system to any form of government intervention in the To avoid personal computer or the Internet. And while this is the first time that the FBI was used, not the last.

“This is the future of what we do,” said Eric Power, a cyber Division Head of Unit FBI. “Until there be a change in the legal system, both within and outside the United States, with the cyber-problem, we go down this path, bulldozers, if you will, in this type of investigation. “

Now, he said, every time that the agency has almost the end of a case of cyber,” you get to the point where we say, because we intend to do so, as we can clean the system “without a greater chaos than before.

News & Features from Minnesota Public Radio

Obama informed when the scandal is the secret

Obama informed when the scandal is the secret

21st April 2012

By Ken Thomas and Alicia A. CALDWELL Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) – A week after the scandal began unfolding in prostitution Secret Service in the hallway of a hotel in Columbia, six officers have lost their jobs and hundreds of people were interviewed.

the agency said Friday that three officers had resigned, two days after the supervisor and another officer were forced out. Director Mark Sullivan, President Barack Obama in the Oval Office informed about the latest developments.

It began thus, a discussion about the payment of a Secret Service agent and a Colombian prostitutes in the lobby of the Hotel Caribe paid, where a contingent of policemen and soldiers should be considered as part of a security detail for President to stay ahead of the weekend is The last Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia.

A government official said the study, said that more than 200 people have been interviewed. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the investigation.

On Friday, Senator Chuc k Grassley, R-Iowa, broader investigation, including records of inspection for Hotel White House urged advance employee communications and staff who were in Cartagena summit.

In a letter to Sullivan and Inspector General at the Department of Homeland Security, Grassley asked whether the records had for hotel members of the White House under investigation were drawn.

The scandal, which is now 12 employees and 11 members of military intelligence, has become a political issue.

Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate in 2008, after pictures from Facebook profile ousted weighed Secret Service supervisor David Chaney created.

He joked about “really his check-out” to a friend post a photo of Palin, with Chaney are in the background during the 2008 campaign.

Palin told Fox News that joke was on Chaney. “Well, check this out, man – you’re fired!” Palin said. He said the scandal was a sign of “gover nment run amok.”

Obama’s spokesman said it was “absurd to politicize” the situation and said that Obama would be angry if the allegations have been published so far proven to be true.

The accident in Colombia, where at least get to a part of the secret service, the prostitutes, their hotel room. Versed

The news of the accident in which at least 20 Colombian women, broke a week ago after a dispute over payment between a prostitute and a Secret Service agent in the hotel hallway. At age 24, told Colombian prostitutes of the New York Times that the agent has agreed to pay her $ 800 for a night of sex, but the next morning he offered her only $ 30. Then he left the hotel, told the newspaper after he was paid $ 225.

have examined all agents had their licenses top secret.

L cancel ‘Greg Chaney Attorney Stokes superiors and colleagues said Obama’s safety was never in danger and criticized leaks of internal government investigations into the case, suggesting a possible strategy for an upcoming legal defense.

Chaney and Stokes were forced to leave Wednesday. A third agent, who was not identified, and was not a supervisor, they resigned.

— Associated Press writers Eileen Sullivan, Laurie Kellman, Robert Burns, Larry Margasak, Julie Pace, A nne white elephant in Washington contributed Nomaan dealer in Dallas and Frank Bajak in Cartagena, Colombia, on the report.

News & Features from Minnesota Public Radio

Friday, April 20, 2012

NFL Commissioner urges Stadium Capitol

NFL Commissioner urges Stadium Capitol

by Tim Pugmire, Minnesota Public Radio

20th April 2012

ST. Paul, Minnesota, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says he believes there is a general commitment to the Minnesota legislature this session to discuss the legislation to create a new Vikings stadium.

Goodell and Pittsburgh Steelers owner Art Rooney met acting build privately Friday in the State Capitol with Governor Mark Dayton and head of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Later, Goodell said he was trying to emphasize how important it is Minnesota Vikings.

“There were no threats or implied threats to all,” said Goodell. “What we talked about the importance of creating a solution that works for the team here and works for the community. This is not a new problem. It is discussed here for several years, and I think that to understand the legal and leader Governor . the time is now, “said

Dayton, that he thought the House and Senate leaders are now working hard on the issue before the court obliged. But the leaders stopped promising floor votes on the bill at the stadium.

News & Features from Minnesota Public Radio

Thursday, April 19, 2012

STD cases up to a new high

STD cases up to a new high

by Elizabeth Dunbar, Minnesota Public Radio

19th April 2012

ST. Paul, Minnesota-The number of sexually transmitted diseases reported to the Minnesota Department of Health has risen to new highs in 2011, officials announced Thursday.

reportable cases of sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis – rose to 19 547 in 2001, compared with 18 009 in 2010 and 16 912 in 2009

recommend health officials that sexually active people take action to prevent infection and to do. regular testing for sexually transmitted diseases

Most STD cases in Minnesota last year -. nearly 17,000 cases – were chlamydia. Nearly a third of these cases occurred in more than Minnesota. Most cases were among adolescents and young adults 15 to 24

The Ministry of Health has also racial differences in the cases of infection reported. The rates of chlamydia were 10 times higher for blacks than whites. They were four times higher for Native Americans are three times higher for higher for Latinos and Asians twice.

Gonorrhea is the second most common STD and showed an increase of 6 percent. Most cases were concentrated in the Twin Cities metropolitan area.

Health officials said there was a slight increase in syphilis cases were concentrated in the Twin Cities. Infections were more common in men who had sex with other men.

In a press release, said Minnesota Health Commissioner Dr. Edward Ehlinger that STD differences between whites and people of different skin color “alarming.”

&# 8220;We may have affected our efforts in partnership with our communities most increase, “he said.

gonorrhea and chlamydia if untreated, can lead to infertility in women and men and can lead to complications in the newborn, health officials said. Untreated syphilis can cause blindness, mental illness, dementia and death.

More information is available on the website of the Department of Health STD.

News & Features from Minnesota Public Radio

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Host 'American Bandstand, "Dick Clark has died

Host 'American Bandstand, "Dick Clark has died

18th April 2012

Lynn Elber AP Television Writer

Los Angeles (AP) – Dick Clark, who always young TV presenter and entrepreneur who has worked tirelessly to rock ‘n’ in the mainstream The “American Bandstand” to take, and later produced and hosted a wide range of programming from the quiz at the end of the year countdown from Times Square on “New Years ‘Rockin’ Eve”, has died. He was 82

spokesman Paul Shefrin said Clark had a heart attack Wednesday morning in the hospital of St. John in Santa Monica, a day after an out-patient treatment in hospital.

Clark had continued to speak after a stroke in 2004 that his ability and go.

Long known as “the world’s oldest teenager” affected because of his play boyish appearance, filled Clark scene rebellious new traditional music and entertainment, and just as comfortable when talking about music with Sam Cooke or joking with Ed McMahon TV Bloopers. He was the founder of Dick Clark Productions, the supply of movies, games and music shows, beauty pageants and more flourished on TV. Among his titles. “The $ 25,000 Pyramid”,” TV Bloopers and Practical Jokes “and the American Music Awards

For a time in 1980, exhibitions were held on all three networks and was among the Forbes 400 richest Americans ranked Clark also part of the radio as a partner in the network of radio stations Italy, the programs made available -. including Clark – to thousands of stations

“There is almost no part of the population does not know what I’m doing,” Clark told the Associated Press in an interview in 1985. “It can be embarrassing. People come to me and say ‘I love your show, “and I have no idea what they’re talking about.”

The original “American Bandstand” was one of the longest-running network TV shows such as part of ABC Daytime line from 1957 to 1987. After a year in syndication an d briefly on the USA Network aired. Show over the years established stars ranging from Buddy Holly to Madonna. Status as an American cultural institution has been strengthened, as the original Clark Bandstand podium and backdrop for the Smithsonian Institution.

Clark was donated “Bandstand” in 1956, after Bob Horn, who had been the host since 1952, his debut was fired. Under the direction of Clark, has gone from a show in Philadelphia to a national phenomena. Was

“I was playing records, the boys danced, and watched America,” Clark once described as the simplicity of the series’. In 1958 her hit “Sweet Little Sixteen,” sang Chuck Berry, that “it will rock on the Bandstand, Philadelphia, PA.”

As a guest had the fluidity of the provision of a radio announcer cheese. As a producer, had an ear for a hit. He also knew how to greet adults suspicious of this strange new kind of music in their homes.

Clark suffered from accusations that he was square, with the critic Lester Bangs Bandstand “a euphemism leggily in consultation with the adolescent experience.” Is defined in an interview in 1985, Clark took note of the complaints. “But I knew at the time that we might not be attractive presentation, the older generation, kill him.”

“So, along with Little Richard and Chuck Berry and The Platters and the crows and the Jayhawks … The boys suits and ties and girls wore their hair combed and all seemed sweet children at a school dance, “he said.

But Clark has the pop artists and artistic freedom, defended the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, said in an online biography of the inductee 1993rd It helped to give artists their due blacks play the original R & B recordings instead of covers by white actors, and condemned the censorship.

difficult to speak, he sat down at his New Year’s Eve shows, albeit in a supporting role. Ryan Seacrest has become the main host.

“I’m thankful I’m still capable of a once-a-year to enjoy snacks,” he told the Associated Press by e-mail in December 2008, another New Year’s Ev e approaching

‘ was honored with an Emmy Award in 2006, telling the audience. “… I fulfilled my childhood dream to be in showbusiness be all that lucky, your dreams, I was really surprised,” blessed

‘Richard Wagstaff Clark was born in Mount Vernon, NY, in 1929. His father, Augustus Richard Clark, was a commercial director who has worked in radio.

Athletics Clark idolized his older brother, Bradley, who was killed in World War II. In 1976 his autobiography, “Rock, Roll & Remember,” recalled how relieved her loneliness Clark radio and turned it into a fan of Steve Allen, Arthur Godfrey and other popular hosts.

Godfrey, he said, she learned that “a radio announcer talking not mean those of you out there in radio land,” speaks of a radio announcer for me as an individual. “

Clark’s career in mailroom of Utica, NY, radio station began in 1945. In 26 years, was a veteran of the transfer, with nine years experience in radio and television stations in Syracuse and Utica, NY and Philadelphia. He held a bachelor’s degree at Syracuse University. While in Philadelphia, Clark’s friendship McMahon, who credit ed after Clark for introducing him to his future “Tonight Show” boss, Johnny Carson.

In 1960, “American Bandstand “moved from black and white to color broadcasts weekdays once a week show on Saturday and from Philadelphia to Los Angeles. Although their influence has begun to decline, also referred to some of the biggest stars from every decade, when Janis Joplin, the Jackson 5, Prince and Talking Heads. Book But not Clark, two iconic groups in rock, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Elvis Presley also performed, although Clark a wave administered in a telephone interview, while Presley was in the army.

If Michael Jackson died in June 2009, working with Clark to him since he was a child, recalled, adding: “Of all the thousands of artists with whom I worked, Michael was the most outstanding. Many have tried and are trying to imitate him, but his talent will never be found. “

Clark was more than spinning disks with his Dick Clark Productions His credits include the Academy of Country Music Awards and the Golden Globe. Television movies including the Emmy Award-winning” The Woman who wanted a miracle “(1984), the “$ 25,000 Pyramid” game show and 1985 movie “Remo Williams. The adventure begins The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air “” Clark has done a cameo appearance in “and a dramatic appearance as a witness on the original” Perry Mason. “It was an involuntary part of Michael Moore’s Oscar-winning” Bowling for Columbine “who saw brushes Clark Moore can be a filmmaker confronts him, the work ing conditions at a restaurant owned by Clark.

In 1974, at the request of ABC, created Clark, the American Music Awards after the network lost rights the Grammy Awards broadcast.

He was also an author of “American Bandstand Dick Clark’s” and self-help books such as “Dick Clark’s program for success in business and private life” and “look good to stay young.” His unchanging appearance inspired a joke “married Peggy Sue” in the 1986 comedy starring Kathleen Turner moved as unhappy wife and mother back in 1960. watching Clark on television in black and white, she shakes her head in surprise, “this man Look, it never gets old. “Is

Clark clean-cut image survived a scandal in the music industry. In 1960, during a Congressional investigation of” bribes “and corruption in the music industry and radio, Clark was called to testify.

He was free from suspicion, but was asked by NBC to divest itself of interest to record in order to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest. demand cost him $ 8,000,000, Clark, once estimated. Investments include ownership of Swan Records, the later published the first successful U.S. version of the Beatles “She Loves You.”

In 2004, Clark announced plans for a revised version of “American Bandstand.” The show, produced by “American Idol” creator Simon Fuller was diagnosed, have a different host name than Clark.

E-Type 2 diabetes in 1994, and served as spokesman for the American Association of Diabetes Educators.

Clark, twice divorced, had a son, Richard II Augustus, with his first wife Barbara Mallery and two sons, Duane and Cindy, with his second wife, Loretta Martin He married Kari Wigton in 1977

News and features from the Minnesota Public Radio

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